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The Journal of Japanese Language Literature Studies > Volume 17(1); 2023 > Article
Border Crossings: The Journal of Japanese-Language Literature Studies 2023;17(1): 159-175.
doi: https://doi.org/10.22628/bcjjl.2023.17.1.159
A Study on the Trends of Korean Atomic Bomb Literature and Its Epic Reproduction:Focusing on “Discrimination against Korean Atomic Bomb Victims” Expressed in Novels and Poems
Kyoungin KIM
A Resercher of Japanese Cultural research center, Chonnam National University
韓国の原爆文学の動向とその叙事的再現の考察 ―― 小説と詩に表象される「朝鮮人原爆被害者に対する差別」を中心に
全南大学校 日本文化研究センター 研究員。
Correspondence  Kyoungin KIM ,Email: dodokaibi@naver.com
Published online: 30 December 2023.
Copyright ©2023 The Global Institute for Japanese Studies, Korea University
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This article analyzes the current status and varied aspects of Korean atomic bomb literature, which portrays the harm suffered by Korean atomic bomb victims in August 1945, and examines how discrimination against Korean atomic bomb victims was expressed in literary works. It also cites Japanese atomic bomb literature and shows that this same discrimination is present there, in doing so presenting both its similarities and differences with Korean works. According to Korean atomic bomb literature, the harm incurred by Korean victims of the atomic bomb and that of Japanese people is completely different. In particular, the paper looks at the ways in which Korean atomic bomb victims in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were discriminated against before and after the bombing through the identification of keywords [e.g., crows, AIGO (Oh my!), Omoni (Mother)] in Korean and Japanese atomic bomb novels and poems. In this process, it became clear that these keywords are used both in Korean atomic bomb literature and in some Japanese literature to convey discrimination against Korean atomic bomb victims and the cruelty inflicted by the use of the atomic bomb.
Keywords: Korean[Peaple of Chosun] Victims of Atomic Bombs, Discrimination, Novel of the Atomic Bombs, Poem of the Atomic Bombs, Literature of Documentalism

キ―ワ―ド: 朝鮮人原爆被害者, 差別, 原爆小説, 原爆詩, 記録主義的文学
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