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The Journal of Japanese Language Literature Studies > Volume 11(1); 2020 > Article
Border Crossings: The Journal of Japanese-Language Literature Studies 2020;11(1): 279-281.
doi: https://doi.org/10.22628/bcjjl.2020.11.1.279
Japanese-Language Literary Works Published in Non-Government Newspapers in Korea During the Early Colonial Period
Inkyung UM
Professor of Global Institute for Japanese Studies Korea University
Correspondence  Inkyung UM ,Email: uik6650@korea.ac.kr
Published online: 30 December 2020.
Copyright ©2020 The Global Institute for Japanese Studies, Korea University
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This book review examines a series of eight volumes dealing with literary works featured in privately-owned Japanese language newspapers published in Korea from 1876 to 1920 during the early Japanese colonial era. They are:Catalog of Literary Works Published in Japanese Language Newspapers in the Early Japanese Colonial Era Volumes I to III, Translations of Literary Works Published in Japanese Language Newspapers in the Early Japanese Colonial Era Volumes I to IV, and A Study of Literary Works Published in Japanese Language Newspapers in the Early Japanese Colonial Era. Extensive joint research was conducted in order to compile this series. Extant copies of Japanese language newspapers published in the early days of the Japanese colonial era, which had not been studied in detail due to the lack of knowledge as to their whereabouts, were collected, catalogs of literary works were created and legible literary works in a range of genres were translated. This compilation is significant in that it reveals the lived experience and perspective of the Japanese who resided on the Korean peninsula at that time as well as the relationship between Japan and colonial Joseon. It can also serve as an important resource for future comparative studies, which twin works of this period with literary works created after the 1920s or with literary works published in Keijo Nippo (Kyungsung ilbo), the organ of the Japanese Government-General of Korea.
Keywords: Non-Government Newspapers, Literary Works, List, Translation Collection, Research Volume

キ―ワ―ド: 民間新聞, 文芸物, 目録集, 翻訳集, 研究書
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