A Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of Chi-Hun Cho’s Birth |
Dongho CHOI |
A Professor Emeritus of Korean Language and Literature, Korea University |
趙芝薰生誕100周年記念墓所訪問行事 |
崔東鎬 |
詩人·高麗大学名誉教授。韓国文学 |
Dongho CHOI ,Email: cdhchoi@hanmail.net |
Published online: 30 December 2021. |
Copyright ©2021 The Global Institute for Japanese Studies, Korea University |
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
In 2021, the 100th anniversary celebration of the birth of the Korean poet Chi-Hun Cho took place in Korea University. As a member of the Blue Deer School (Cheong-rok pa), Chi-Hun Cho left behind many poetic masterpieces. His poetry is widely recognized as expressing the spirit of Korean nationalism. Cho’s students and other literary society members commemorated his death with recitations of his works of poetry. In order to achieve such honor and respect, the literary person must live a life that is in agreement with the words and themes of their work. Cho was one of those honorable people, as he lived as a man with such a philosophy and a warm heart. As we live in an era when humanity and morality seem to be vanishing, we honor and celebrate the life of Cho, who has had such a great influence on the history of Korean literature. |
Chi-Hun Cho, Blue Deer School, Poetry, Korean literature
趙芝薫, 靑鹿派, 詩, 韓国文学 |